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Welcome to HopeSmart
HopeSmart is a place to let policy makers contact political leaders though petition websites.

Select Your Legislator

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• Once you select a legislator above, you will be taken to that legislators petition page.

• This page will show you a list of petitions that have been sent to that legislator.

• At the top you will see the legislators name, city and state followed by their Key. (HSUSXYZ)

• Each petition shows you the number of people who signed the petition for this legislator followed by the number of people that signed this same petition for all legislators. Ex: 4 (20) Signatures.

• You will also be able to see the date the last person signed a petition, and the petition title name in the black header bar.

• Click a petitions header bar to reveal the petition text.

• Most petitions allow you to click "Sign This Petition". This will redirect you to the origin petition advocasy website.

• Sometimes legislators will respond to individual petitions, you will see a "Legislator Response:" at the bottom in the text area of a petition if this is the case.

• Use the "Petition Search" box to search for a particular petition by title or tag, petitions are ordered by the last date they were signed for relevance.

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